The Horror Stories

Every day Alaska Judges are sending children to spend time or to live with abusive, violent and dangerous parents without any regard for the child's well being.

Many of these parents don't care at all about the children...

Children are subjected to neglect and even abuse because they become tokens. The custody battle becomes one more avenue to continue to abuse the other parent. The children, unfortunately, become the instrument used by the perpetrators to continue with their abuse against the other parent. These parents don't care about the consequences in the life of the children... their mission is to hurt. For them the end justifies the means.

Who is doing this?

  • "Something needs to be done soon, Judge Gleason is a lose cannon..." (AK Bar Association Member - Protected Identity)
  • "It has taken over $250.000 to battle the AK Court System for 2 years and finally get sole legal custody and primarily physical custody of my child..." (AK Litigant - Protected Identity)
  • "Even a non biological parent can get custody of a child in the AK Court System (AK Litigant -Protected Identity)
  • "In AK Judges bent over backwards for the abusive dads..." (AK Litigant - Protected Identity)
  • "After demonstrating in court 20+ abusive emails from my ex- Judge Gleason commended him on his efforts to communicate with me..." (AK Litigant - Protected Identity)
  •  "it is becoming increasingly clear that Judge Aarseth is willing to make almost any ruling to avoid allowing an abuse victim to obtain a DV protective order where there is other civil litigation pending..."(AK Bar Association Member - Protected Identity)
  • I divorced my ex- to be free of his abuse but the court system has allowed him to continue to abuse our children... (AK Litigant - Protected Identity)
  • My daughter is so traumatized that she has been in counseling and psychiatric treatment for over 5 years now but Judge Gleason continues to send her back to her abusive father's home which traumatizes her even more each time...(AK Litigant - Protected Identity)
  • I have been battling in the Alaska court system since 1994. It has been a night mare!!  The Alaska Court System it's getting worse for mothers trying to protect their children. Its a horror story an injustice and disgusting. Something has to be done to  protect mothers and the children from the system. (AK Litigant - Protected Identity).
  •  Judge Gleason gave full and legal custody of my daughter to my ex husband in 2002 My daughter continues to be emotionaly and physically abused. Her father moves her to a new christian school everytime OCS shows up at thier door. (AK Litigant - Protected Identity).

Alaska Court System Presiding Judge Sharon Gleason


Alaska Judges Retention - Election November 2, 2010

Your vote can make a difference. Please help remove these unfair, biased and unjust judges from the bench.
You or your loved ones could be the next case on their docket...

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